Why Schools Need Fitness Pros (and how you can make great money teaching fitness in schools!)

If you’re a fitness pro interested in bringing movement programs into schools, Spring is the season to make the effort to reach out to schools and set up programs for the following school year.

Here are 3 Reasons Schools Need Fitness Pros:

1. Teachers Can't Do It All On Their Own
Educators are some of the most hard-working and dedicated people in our communities. As they continue to navigate the changes, transitions, adjustments and adaptations that re-entry has brought, qualified kids fitness instructors can be there to support them. From teaching a lesson, to taking over a full Physical Education unit,  teachers  appreciate the help when it comes to delivering a quality curriculum program.(This is especially true when it comes to subjects that they may be hesitant to teach, like dance!)

2. Mental Health Is The Top Priority
This year, we want to focus on the greatest needs of students, so that kids can be engaged learners. The Canada 2021 Budget announced that the demographic most impacted in terms of negative effects on mental health was children and youth. Academics will continue to come second to ensuring that students’ emotional states and wellbeing are addressed.

3. You Are The Subject Expert!
During most school teacher-training programs, elementary school teachers receive 12-18 hours of instruction on how to teach Physical Education. When it comes to expertise on getting kids active, your qualifications and skills can make a significant difference in the lives of students during their school days!

We all know that movement is a powerful tool in helping children heal, reconnect, interact, play, learn and process the changes and circumstances of the past few years. Bring your passion and expertise to where it will have the greatest impact: schools!

Learn everything you need to build a successful and profitable school fitness business this fall

Watch this free 60 minute business training and download the School Fitness Business checklist.