How Dancing Helps Your Heart

How Dancing Helps Your Heart

Dancing has been a part of human culture for centuries, and for good reason. Not only is it a great way to get active, but it also has a number of benefits for your physical, mental and social health. Here's a look at just a few of the ways dancing can boost ALL areas of your well-being

It's great for your BODY

Dancing can help you build strength and flexibility in your muscles, while also helping to improve your coordination and balance. It's also a great way to get your heart rate up. When you dance, your body is moving, your heart is pumping, and you're moving energy throughout your whole nervous system. This increases your cardiovascular health and reduces your risk for heart disease. Studies have shown that dancing can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. (REF)

It's great for your BRAIN

Learning steps and staying connected to the rhythm is a great way to keep your brain functioning at its best. These mind-muscle connections help to improve memory and focus, as well as increase problem-solving and multitasking capabilities. Studies show that dancing can boost your attention span and improve your overall cognitive performance.


In addition to the physical benefits, dancing can also provide emotional relief. Dance has been shown to help reduce stress and depression, while also providing an outlet for creative expression. Dancing also helps to stimulate the production of endorphins, which are the body's natural feel-good hormones. These hormones can help to reduce anxiety levels, and increase overall happiness. 


Dancing can be a great way to socialize and connect with others. You don't have to be a professional dancer to join a class or group. You can grab your sneakers and sign up for a local class to have a great time with your friends and family. It's a fun way to get out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and create lasting memories.


Finally, dance is a great way to boost your self-image and self-esteem - as you learn dance steps, you'll gain a sense of accomplishment and joy. As you build confidence, you can start showing off your own style and trying new ways to move. This is the ultimate way to feel more comfortable in your own skin: moving in a way that feels good for you, knowing that when you're doing it your own way, you can't get it wrong!

No matter what type of dancing you enjoy, it's sure to benefit your heart and soul in some way.

Stand up now and join me for a mini dance party as we move along to “Heartbeat Song” by Kelly Clarkson.

Then go out there and get on the dance floor to show off your own awesome moves!

Melanie LevenbergComment