New canfitpro Children's Fitness Course

I’m so excited to introduce a new course to you!!

Last year I had the honour of working alongside canfitpro to re-design and re-vamp their Children’s Fitness Coach Course.

The training is designed for fitness professionals who are looking to learn more about children’s growth and development, and how to design fitness classes and programs to meet their unique needs.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, children are NOT mini-adults. When it comes to designing fitness programs for children, instructors need to consider and question whether the methodologies they have learned in their career path towards helping adults become healthier, apply or are appropriate for this unique younger demographic.

In the course, I go over things like:

  • The different phases of development for physical skills (including which skills to teach kids first and how to progress them to the next level)

  • The different phases of cognitive development (plus the best jokes to tell kids in each age range) The evolution of social skills and emotional regulation (and how to keep kids motivated using positive and supportive ways)

  • How to design a balanced class (including templates and sample lesson plans)

  • AND - How to use this information to build additional income for yourself as a fitness pro!

Check out the course here.

Use the code MELKIDS15 to save 15%

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